Study of the compliance of the INEN 2205 standard in the seats of urban public transport bus


  • Vinicio Reyes Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
  • Carlos Rosales Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
  • Alex Guzmán Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
  • Sebastián Báez Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial



bodywork, seating, dimensional parameters, public transport, buses


An important participation in the urban public transport offer of Quito is in the hands of the private company. Given the high demand, it will show the safety indicators and the quality of the service. This fact is the fundamental motivation of this article, which verified the compliance with the INEN 2205 standard for passenger and driver seats in a specific urban transport company. A sample of the units is shown and each point shows a body model. In particular, measurements were made of seats using: flexometer, bubble level and inclinometer. In addition, visual inspections and simple experiments of mechanical friction were carried out to evaluate the qualitative characteristics. Finally, a simple verification count was performed on the sample and confidence intervals and hypothesis tests were constructed for the statistical ratio. Population inferences showed that 41% and 55% of seats for passengers and drivers, respectively, did comply with the regulations; while the multivariate analysis allowed to identify sample groups and correlations between them. It was concluded that it exists in the observation of the regulations regarding the state of the seats and angular parameters.



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How to Cite

Reyes, V., Rosales, C., Guzmán, A., & Báez, S. (2017). Study of the compliance of the INEN 2205 standard in the seats of urban public transport bus. Enfoque UTE, 8(5), pp. 76 - 88.


